The visitors’ access register


KeReception: the idea behind the project

Managing the access of an external visitor inside your company premises is probably one of the most critical issues in the management of company security procedures.

Reception here plays a vital role: this is the place where the visitor is identified through ID documents, and receives an identification tool (e.g. a badge) together with the information on privacy and safety procedures.

KeReception aims at dematerializing visitors’ registers, in many contexts still on paper, to facilitate the digitization of documents and a structured access to data through access reports.

KeReception allows to register the visitor, collect the necessary data to enter the premises, make him/her sign on their way in and out, also in unmanned reception desks .

KeReception: benefits

KeReception is multicompany and multilanguage (Italian, English, German), it can be installed on premises on the client’s server(s) or may be shared in cloud mode and installed on Kedos’s Data Center.

The KeReception environment can be preconfigured with the names of employees (and their related branches, offices, or company areas) who can invite visitors from outside the company. This feature can be integrated with LDAP or Active Directory services and in this case only the operators who have been specifically appointed will have access to the application.

Visitors’ data will be stored in the company database and can be re-used in future visits.

KeReception: how does it work

KeReception uses the KeFirma graphometric signature solution and can manage graphometric or flat signatures (‘flat’ meaning without storage of the biometric data of the signer).

The visitor’s handwritten signature is placed directly on the digital document (privacy statement, safety measures, etc.) using a signature pad or a tablet.

The system creates the document related to the visitor’s access through a document composition function, bearing date and time of access (possibly also of exit). The digital document is stored in an internal repository or in one outside the company, and can be accessed from there at any time.
